Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bacon Grease Enlightenment

Two posts in one day, wow! off to a crazy start, but wanted to update on what i have accomplished.

I have finished the cabinet and will have to take a new photo.  Some paper goods went down to easily accessed storage, but not my prime kitchen space.  Some went out to our camper...maybe i will use it when we are not 'hooked-up' ; but to be honest, I usually have enough reusable dishware to just use it while we are on the road and stack it in the dish pan until we get to water--and if I know we are having several meals, a couple of gallons of water will wash the dishes--there is just plain no excuse for me to waste trees and energy! And that is why I ended up with thousands of disposables.

I have also just put away my first ever bacon 'drippings.'  With dreams of seriously reducing our waste, this was an effort.  Before we had kids i had one small grocery bag every 2 weeks or so...

My husband was very skeptical when told that soap could be made from it, not sure he wanted to smell like bacon.  I saw this idea on Zero Waste Home  a very inspiring site I came across a few days ago and spent last night reading.  Sorry that is not a direct link to the bacon comment--although it was really just mentioned that the grease was saved for soap, rather than thrown in the trash.  The recipe is rather simple and like the soap-making at Old Sturbridge Village where the fat is mixed with a lye and water mixture.
 After a quick search on bacon grease while it was cooling, an amazing number of uses for bacon were revealed--such as pie crust.  This site convinced him it was worthwhile

He was onboard, as we have been talking about simplifying our foods by reducing the amount of processed foods we eat, especially the scary stuff like "shortening," preservatives, and L-cysteine (human hair found in bread--seen yesterday in a Yahoo article-don't have that link handy). 
bacon drippings

It is not much bacon grease, and we don't eat too much of it, so one cooking foray should use it up.  Should i amass enough to actually make soap, I will be sure to post both the adventure and the outcome here.  If this is something you have experience with, please comment, I'd love to hear.

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