Monday, December 9, 2013

How Much is Enough : Too much of a useful thing

When cleaning out the shelving in the basement, there were 2 cabinets dedicated to household cleaners, plus all the cleaners in place in the living areas.  So many cleaners, you would think the house was spotless...

There is various sprays and cleaners for things like metals, and the glass stove top, and shoe polish etc. Some of these are natural cleaners, and others are harsher, but sometimes... seldom needed cleaners that were purchased for a specific purpose, but feared toxic for continuous use. Then there are the more often used dishwasher liquid (5 bottles), laundry detergent (3 bottles) and 21, yes 21, Large bottles of hand dish-washing liquid!!!!

When my mother-in-law comes hand dish-washing liquid comes too.  I suppose we are lucky that she only visits about 4 times a year!  She also brings Paper Goods and toilet paper (but is there ever too much of this?!).

So it is certainly not worth hurting her feelings over a couple of bottles of dish soap...and for that matter I could always donate it to the local shelter...but....well, eventually we will use it, right?
And then we would have to go spend time and money to buy more, after spending the time and money bringing it to the shelter....

so i guess as long as we feel that we have enough space to store it, we will keep it. But as I am paring down I have to wonder as to its true value... Perhaps we could mention that we have enough for a while, and then ask her to keep on the lookout for an item that we truly need.  We may see her this weekend, there may be more dish soap....

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