
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Toxins Reducing the Stuff Load


As we find ourselves both more aware of the potential toxins our family's stuff exposes us to, and in a position to do better we are able to move these items out of our home.  Today we replaced our plastic measuring cups with Stainless Steel measuring cups :)  I had originally attempted to just this when we bought our first set of stainless steel measuring cups, that was close to 10 years ago.  But we found that when we bake, we bake a lot, and 1 set was never enough!  Always, it seemed, we needed a second dry measure....and so we never let go of the plastic! and we had 2 1/2 plastic sets!  Today we added a second set of stainless and will pass on those plastic measuring cups!!!  and if we need more than 2 we are going to have to wash & DRY!!! *gasp* the necessary cups!!!  pretty sure we can make it work...and who knows one day we may pass a metal set down to a child setting up there own house :)

The real impetus behind the final push to get these plastic items out (especially when finances are tighter than ever) was this article about Lead in Tupperware on Leadsafe mama

I have lots more to reckon with.  For instance the Pyrex measuring cups (lead in the red pain)....but i need a replacement before ditching or my husband may not be 'happy' with me, and really i should not be spending at all!! I highly doubt he will agree to ditch the crystal chandelier, but....i can likely get him to wear gloves next time we clean it as a compromise.

ETA: just remembered I have the matching green measuring spoons :( and an orange funnel...i love that funnel...maybe it is newer and less toxic. Also food for thought is even unpainted vintage glass (like the old baking pans from my grams may not be safe- and yes heavy metals can leach out of glass, in case like me you were hoping that would be ok...)

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